Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I love to ride my bicycle .....

Ok , so three things that made me happy and laugh today. I watched the Flight of the concord doing " Business Time " on Utube. I saw it for the first time with my brother Kees when I was in NZ a month ago and it cracked up up. Its so funny and true ,opps thats another blog. So rewatching it made me smile. I also looked at some photos from the last couple of months and there are some totally cute and funny ones of the kids, like Yonatan with a pot on his head and Maia screaming indiginantly when something was taken of her. Ok , the last thing Yonatan rode a two wheeler bike for the first time today, it only took him a few times of me running up and down with him. Yay ! I was so proud. He still needs some help to get started but its only a matter of time. There is something really amazing about that ; I still remember my mum teaching me to ride a bike and now I've taught my son. Less lecturing and disciplining and more memory making.