Last week was one of those crazy weeks that you are just on the go constantly. First of all I had my driving test to swap my licence over , I passed thank goodness but it was the end of a very long process. So look out, I'm on the road again !~ Secondly, we celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. I was looking at my wedding photos and the main thing that I noticed was how young I looked. Where did that woman go ? I feel so old and hagged ( ?? ) comparatively. Must do something about that, sometime ! We went out for dinner with babe, who was a little unsettled so didn't really make for a romantic time , but the meal was nice on the marina. Wednesday
Erez got sick with 39.7 fever and this lasted a couple of days, he is still not a 100 percent. Thursday my
in laws arrived as Friday was
Yonatans birthday. This is really the first year that he has been into his birthday and he requested a dinosaur cake. I was really proud of my effort and it turned out really well I think !Up till late Thursday night , decorating the dinosaur ( looked a bit more like a dragon but there were no complaints so
that's OK ) Friday there was a party at daycare and big
Friday night dinner, Saturday morning we had a small party at home for
Yonatans birthday, which was nice but I had woken up feeling terrible, but tried my best to be a good hostess all day. So relieved Saturday night when everyone went home. Spent yesterday feeling terrible , passed out at 5.00 pm and had a terrible night , but I think I feel better today.
I was really looking forward to having a little normality this week so I refuse to be sick. Oh another terrible , but at the sound time kind of funny ( in a very black way )
Yonatan has suddenly become very interested in death and asking all sorts of related questions, what happens when people die ,
who dies , where do they go , why don't they fall out of the sky, what about animals, lions etc ? What about dogs , because they live in the house like us so do they go to the sky with us or turn to dust like the other animals ? All
a bit to much to cope with when you have a fever and a runny nose. I guess its the age , he is suddenly very concerned about himself and I need to do some reading on how to make him feel more reassured about it. I remember when I was a kid being so concerned about my Mum dying, and about what would happen to me. Any suggestions ?