Sunday, May 20, 2007

The word for the day is ....

choice , choice , choice. I have decided that this is going to be my personal mantra. isn't it true that nearly everything in our life's is about choice. So I am choosing to work on this idea this week. I can choose to be down , angry or I can choose to create something good. I don't think its a denial thing, I really do think that you move towards things that you focus on. I'm not talking about denying the way your feeling , but as a very smart and much loved friend said to me recently , identify the problem , then grab it and invite it in for coffee. OK she wasn't so polite , she mentioned something about genitals.... but that's the gest of the idea.

1 comment:

Domestic Goddess said...

I really know what you mean. I still am obsessed with getting our own home and really all I do when I prattle on about it is bring Jason down as there is no way he can provide what I want which not intentionally makes him feel like crap.

I have sought santuary in bonsai and plants. This is something I have always wanted to do and wish to have beautiful not at all natural foliage in my dream house. It will take years to create the twisted look I want so I decided to start now. And really cheap to start! Just one tiny step in preparation for the big step BUT for me it has really helped am no longer obsessing but not let go to the dream. Cool huh.

I hope you find your filler inner so your inner is fuller x