Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bad hair day !

Someone told me that women that just gave birth should never do anything drastic to their hair....why didn't I listen. The hairdresser convinced me to have streaks, which she then straeked bright blonde, gave me a fringe ( despite telling her I didn't want ! ) I know look very middle age and my hair is very pouffy ! I don't know what to do, I look like Sarit hadad , a very tacky middle eastern singer. I wonder if a coulour rinse over the top would work. I'm in shock. Ok will its not me , its Sarit Hadad but you get the picture.

1 comment:

Domestic Goddess said...

Screw the details, I need photos! Come on dont be a hold out! It cannot be worse that what I did after Ella.............I got a perm...............oh dear