Monday, October 23, 2006

De-clutter !

I have a new plan of attack.. I am trying to de-clutter my house and get some sort of organisation happening. I am such a hoarder and on the top of that I am cheap !!So its hard to throw things out becuase " i might use it sometime " or " I might fit into that again ". Mum yesterday went through my closet with me and I was horrified at how many clothes I have , some stored from even before my NZ days and some that are way past their useby date, faded and lost their shape. I would say that we got rid of a third, ans sorted a big bag of things that I don't fit ( but hopefully will in a month or so when my baby tummy has gone down ! ) up high.
The big problem with living here is that a lot of people dress casually , but I mena really casually and there is a big temptation , especially for someone like me , to dress a litte shabbily, cos no body cares really. So now my wardrobe is sorted , I've decided to spurge and get my eye lashes tinted , to try to look less of a scruff. Where is DG when I need her, for a complete makeover! Plus I have an appointment for a cut and colour tomorrow, I haven't coloured my hair since I was pregnant , so hopefully it will give a bit of a lift.
I still have the rest of the house to do , we have a serious problem with storage , not to add to the fact that we now have all this new stuff for Maia. Any storage ideas ? I need to be merciless. Is it worth saving Yonatan " boy baby clothes " , I know three people having little boys in the next wee while . should I just let go and pass them on ? God, Jods , don't have a haert attack but I just may paint my toe nails tonight. !I know that Jules is going to be laughing , cos I suspect that she is the same as me , with the lack of pampering , but being so organised she would me to shame. Come help me sort for a while ?
OK , back to my cupboard. Forgot to mention that my Mum also organised my bathroom cupboard for me , I love her so much !


Jules said...

That's so funny, I cleared my wardrobe this weekend too (spooky huh!), and I bet I could put you to shame with the age of some that stuff - bought in the UK before we emigrated, worn once, never again. I blame my mum, she's a terrible hoarder too, it's inherited. Anyway, six bags later and I feel better, now onto the linen cupboard... good luck with yours.

As for the grooming, I plucked my eyebrows last month, does that count? ha ha. I'm getting better though (no excuse now really) and I've learned to dye my own hair too, case of having too really, too many greys... so sad!

Domestic Goddess said...

I am worse than the both of you then as I have just admitted to myself that there was some size eights and tens in my wardrobe that wil never fit again....ever....did I get rid? No, I put them in a bag for Ella, as they are just too cool to let is my history and youth......really....or is it proof 'Yes darling, once upon a time your Mummy was cool'